Postal codes of Malaga in Málaga

Streets in Malaga

Street name Postal code
Olmedo La Fresneda 29590
Olmos 29018
Olozaga 29005
Oman 29140
Omar 29004
Opalo 29190
Ordoñez 29005
Oregano 29018
Orense 29004
La Orestiada 29591
Orfebre 29011
Orfebreria 29190
Orfeo 29010
Orfila 29002
Oro 29190
Oropesa 29014
La Orotava 29006
Orquidea 29190
Orson Welles 29010
Ortega De Prados 29010
Ortega Munilla 29017
Ortiga 29190
Ortiz De Zarate 29013
Ortosa 29190
Orza 29591
Oscar Espla 29006
Oscar Wilde 29010
Oseas 29590
Oslo 29590
Osorio 29002
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