Postal codes of Ronda Nelle in A Coruña

Postal code search

Ronda Nelle en A Coruña has the following postal codes:

Street name Odd Even Postal code
Ronda Nelle 0000-0000 0002-0108 15005
Ronda Nelle 0001-0089 0000-0000 15007
Ronda Nelle 0091-Final 0110-Final 15010
Ronda de Nelle, 15005 A Coruña (Coruna), Spain
Ronda de Nelle, 15007 A Coruña (Coruna), Spain
Ronda de Nelle, 15010 A Coruña (Coruna), Spain
Ronda Nelle, A Coruña, A Coruña, Galicia, Spain
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